The greater northside district

Public Notices


Board Meetings


Meetings & NoticesDateAgendaMinutes Other Information
Board MeetingJanuary 15AgendaMinutes


Meetings & NoticesDateAgendaMinutes Other Information
Board MeetingNovember 20AgendaMinutes
Board Meeting October 10AgendaMinutes
Board Meeting September 13Agenda Minutes
Board MeetingAugust 21 Agenda Minutes
Board MeetingJune 12Agenda Minutes
Board MeetingApril 17Agenda Minutes
Board MeetingFeb 21Agenda Minutes
Board MeetingJan 24AgendaMinutes


Meetings & NoticesDate AgendaMinutes Other Information
 Board Meeting Nov 15Agenda  
 Quitman Project Rebid Nov 3 Bid Ad  CivCast Link 
 Special Projects CommitteeOct 25 Agenda  
 Board MeetingOct 13 Agenda  
 Public HearingNov 13 Presentation  Notice (English)
 Public Hearing Nov 13   Notice (Espanol)
 Board Meeting Sept 20Agenda Minutes 
 Greater Northside Improvement Corporation Aug 29GNIC Agenda  
 August 2023 Board Meeting Location ChangeAug 15 Meeting Change  
 Board MeetingAug 16 Agenda Minutes 
 Board MeetingJuly 19 Agenda Minutes 
 DBE Goal Setting 2024-2026June 30 DBE Goal  
 DBE Public Notice 2024-2026June 30 DBE Public  
 Board Retreat MeetingJune 21 Agenda  
 TITLE VI PROGRAM Civil Rights Act of 1964 Update May 2023May 31TITLE VI Program  
 Capital Improvement MeetingMay 16Agenda  
 Special Board MeetingMay 17 Agenda Minutes 
 Regular Board Meeting April 14 Agenda Minutes 
 Special Board MeetingFeb 22 Agenda  Minutes 
 Regular Board MeetingJan 13Agenda Minutes 


Meetings & NoticesDate AgendaMinutes Other Information
 Regular Board MeetingNov 8 Agenda  
 Public Hearing 2022Nov 4   Presentation
 Capital Improvement MeetingNov 1 Agenda  
 Regular Board MeetingOct 14 Agenda  
 Regular Board MeetingSep 13 Agenda  
 Regular Board MeetingAug 12 Agenda  
 Capital Improvement MeetingAug 2 Agenda  
 Regular Board MeetingJune 10 Agenda Minutes 
 Regular Board MeetingMay 13 Agenda Minutes 
 Capital Improvement Meeting May 3 Agenda Minutes 
 Regular Board Meeting March 11 Agenda Minutes 
 Regular Board MeetingFebruary 11Agenda Minutes N/A
 Capital Improvement MeetingFebruary 1 Agenda Minutes 


Meetings & Notices Date  Agenda Minutes  Other Information 
 Regular Board Meeting December 3  Agenda  Minutes  
 Regular Board Meeting October 8 Agenda  Minutes  
 Regular Board Meeting August 13 Agenda Minutes  
 Regular Board Meeting July 9 Agenda Minutes  
 Capital Improvement Meeting June 14  Agenda  Minutes  
 Regular Board Meeting June 2  Agenda  Minutes  
 Regular Board Meeting May 14  Agenda  Minutes  
 Regular Board Meeting April 9 Agenda  Minutes  
 Regular Board Meeting March 12 Agenda  Minutes  
Capital Improvement Program Meeting March 8 Agenda Minutes  
 Regular Board Meeting February 9 Agenda Minutes  
 Regular Board Meeting January 8 Agenda Minutes  
 Public Hearing January 8 Agenda  Minutes Slides 


Meetings & Notices Date  Agenda Minutes  Other Information 
 Public Safety Committee Meeting  December 18 Agenda    N/A
Capital Improvement Program Committee Meeting December 14 Agenda Minutes  N/A
Regular Board Meeting November 13 Agenda Minutes  N/A
Regular Board Meeting September 11 Agenda  Minutes  N/A
Regular Board Meeting August 20 Agenda Minutes N/A
Regular Board Meeting  July 10 Agenda  Minutes  N/A
Regular Board Meeting  June 12 Agenda  Minutes  N/A
Regular Board Meeting  May 8 Agenda  Minutes  N/A 
Regular Board Meeting March 13 Agenda  Minutes  N/A
Public Safety Committee  February 20  Agenda  Minutes  Slides 
Regular Board Meeting  February 14 Agenda Minutes  N/A 
Capital Improvement Program Committee        Slides  
Regular Board Meeting  January 10 Agenda  Minutes  N/A 


Meetings & Notices Date  Agenda Minutes  Other Information 
Public Safety Committee Meeting
Minutes Slides
Capital Improvement Program Committee September 16 Agenda Minutes Slides
Regular Board Meeting  November 8 Agenda
Minutes  N/A 
Regular Board Meeting October 11 Agenda Minutes N/A
Special Board Meeting August 9 Agenda Minutes N/A 
Special Board Meeting June 14 Agenda Minutes N/A
Special Board Meeting May 17 Agenda Minutes N/A
Regular Board Meeting March 8 Agenda Minutes N/A
Regular Board Meeting January 11 Agenda Minutes N/A

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal Public Notice

Civil Rights Public Notices
DBE Public Notice 

Greater Northside Management District Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Goals Fiscal Years 2021 – 2023

Greater Northside Management District (GNMD) has set its Disadvantage Business Enterprise (“DBE”) goal for federally funded contracts for fiscal years 2021 – 2023.

A copy of the goal calculation is available for view on the GNMD website at and at the offices of GNMD during normal business hours.

GNMD will accept comments on its overall annual DBE goal, which is proposed at 14% through race-neutral means. Public comments can be addressed to:

GNMD Management District
DBE Liaison Officer
615 North Loop East, Suite 104
Houston, Texas  77022

Aviso Público

Meta del Programa de Empresas Comerciales en Desventaja (DBE) Años Fiscales 2021 – 2023

Greater Northside Management District (GNMD) ha fijado su meta referente al programa de Empresas Comerciales en Desventaja (DBE, por sus siglas en inglés) para contratos financiados por el gobierno para los años fiscales 2021-2023.

Para leer los cálculos referentes a la meta fijada, visite la página web de GNMD, o visite la oficina de GNMD durante horas de oficina.

GNMD aceptará comentarios sobre la meta anual DBE, actualmente propuesta en 14%—neutral en términos raciales.  Por favor dirigir sus comentarios a:

GNMD Management District
DBE Liaison Officer
615 North Loop East, Suite 104
Houston, Texas  77022
DBE Goal Setting 2021 -2023 

GNMD DBE Goal Public Notice 2021-2023


Title VI Public Notice

The Greater Northside Management District hereby gives public notice that it is the District’s policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. Title VI requires that no person in the United States of America shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI has a right to file a formal complaint with the District. Any such complaint must be in writing or by phone and filed with the District Civil Rights Coordinator within one hundred-eighty (180) days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. Title VI Discrimination Complaint Forms may be obtained from this office at no cost to the complainant by calling 713-229-0900. Individuals may get more information about the Title VI Program by calling 713-229-0900 or by emailing

If you like more information on Title VI, please visit the District website ( or contact the District via phone 713-229-0900, via email to, or via mail to: 615 North Loop East, Suite 104, Houston, Texas 77022. This notice is to be posted in the offices of the District, on the District website ( and at other strategic locations throughout the District.
The District will provide translations of all requested documents or provide a translator at any public meetings at no cost.
If information is needed in another language, contact the District at 713-229-0900.

Título VI Aviso Público

Por medio de la presente, el Distrito Administrativo de Greater Northside (Distrito) le notifica al público su política de garantizar el pleno cumplimiento del Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964 de la Ley de Restauración de Derechos Civiles de 1987 y de los estatutos y reglamentos relacionados a tales leyes, en todos los programas y actividades del Distrito. El Título VI establece que ninguna persona en los Estados Unidos de América puede ser excluida por motivos de raza, color, o nacionalidad de participar en, ser negado los beneficios de, o ser sujeto de otro modo a discriminación bajo cualquier programa o actividad que reciba asistencia financiera federal.

Si usted cree haber sido perjudicado por una práctica discriminatoria e ilegal bajo el Título VI puede presentar una queja formal ante el Distrito. Las quejas pueden hacerse por escrito o por teléfono. Estas deben ser presentadas ante el Coordinador del Derechos Civiles del Distrito dentro de los ciento ochenta (180) días siguientes a la fecha de la ocurrencia discriminatoria alegada. Los Formularios de Queja de Discriminación del Título VI se pueden obtener en esta oficina sin costo alguno para el reclamante llamando al 713-229-0900. Las personas pueden obtener más información sobre el Programa Título VI llamando al 713-229-0900 o enviando un correo electrónico a

Para obtener más información acerca del Título VI, visite nuestra página web (, llámenos al teléfono 713-229-0900, escríbanos por correo electrónico (, o envíenos un correo postal: 615 North Loop East, Suite 104, Houston, Texas 77022. Este aviso será publicado en las oficinas, en la página web ( y en otros lugares estratégicos a lo largo del Distrito.
El Distrito proporcionará traducciones de todos los documentos solicitados o proveerá un traductor en cualquier reunión pública sin costo alguno.
Si se necesita información en otro idioma, póngase en contacto con Distrito a 713-229-0900.

Title VI Complaint Procedures 

These procedures cover all complaints filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended, relating to any transportation or program or activity receiving federal financial assistance administered by the District or sub-recipients and contractors. The program is also conducted in accordance with FTA Circular 4702.1B as well as the FTA Circular 4710.1, ADA Guidance. 
Every effort will be made to obtain early resolution of complaints at the lowest level possible. The Civil Rights Coordinator will make every effort to pursue a resolution of the complaint. Initial interviews with the complainant and the respondent will request information regarding specifically requested relief and settlement opportunities.

Any individual, group or individuals or entity that believes they have been subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI nondiscrimination provisions may file a written complaint with the District. A formal complaint must be filed within 180 calendar days of the alleged occurrence, or when the alleged discrimination became known to the complainant. These procedures are part of an administrative process, which do not provide for remedies that include punitive damage or compensatory remuneration for complainant.

The complainant must meet the following requirements.

1. Complaint shall be in writing and signed by the complainant(s). 
2. Present the date of the alleged act of discrimination (date when the complainant(s) became aware of the alleged discrimination, the date on which that conduct was discontinued or the latest instance of the conduct). 
3. Present a detailed description of the issues including name(s) and job(s). 

Allegations received by fax or email will be acknowledged and processed, once the identity(ies) of the complainant(s) and the nature of the complaint are determined. The complainant is required to mail a signed, original copy of the fax or email transmittal to the District in order for the District to be able to process it. All correspondence to the District for processing should be addressed to the Executive Director and should have “Attn: FTA Compliance” on the outside. Allegations received by telephone will be reduced to writing and provided to the complainant for confirmation or revision before processing. A complaint form will be forwarded to the complainant for him/her to complete, sign and return to the District for processing. 
Complaint will be accepted based on the following:

1. If complaint has been filed in timely manner;
2. If complaint/allegations involve a covered basis such as race, color, national origin or disability; and
3. If complaint/allegations involve a program or activity of a federal-aid recipient, sub-recipient, or contractor or, in the case of ADA allegations, an entity open to the public. 

A complaint may be dismissed for the following reasons:
1. Complainant requests the withdrawal of the complaint;
2. Complainant fails to respond to repeated requests for additional information needed to process complaint; or
3. Complainant cannot be located after reasonable attempts. 

The procedures do not deny the right of the complainant to file formal complaints with other state or federal agencies or to seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination. The District has authority for accepting complaints for investigation, but complainants may also file complaints with TxDOT or the Federal Transit Administration within 180 days of the alleged offense. If you would like to file with TxDOT, please send a written complaint to TxDOT Public Transportation, 3712 Jackson Avenue, Building 6, 5th floor, Austin, Texas 78731. If you would like to file with FTA, please send a written complaint to FTA Region VI, 819 Taylor Street, Room 8A36, Fort Worth, TX 76102.

Once the District decides to proceed with the investigation (final decision to proceed will be made by Executive Director and Chairman/woman of the Board of Directors), the complainant will be notified in writing of the determination within ten (10) calendar days. The complaint will receive a reference code that will correspond to the District’s records identifying its basis of alleged harm: race, color, national origin, or disability.

In cases where the District engages into investigation of the complaint, the Civil Rights Coordinator will provide the individuals identified in the complaint the opportunity to respond to the allegations in writing. The identified individuals will have ten (10) calendar days from the date of the District’s written notification of acceptance of the complaint to furnish his/her response to the allegations. 

Within 30 calendar days of the acceptance of the complaint, the Civil Rights Coordinator will prepare an investigative report for the Chairman/woman of the Board of Directors. The report shall include a narrative description of the incident, identification of persons interviewed, and findings and recommendations. The Chairman/woman of the Board of Directors will have ten (10) calendar days to review and provide comments to the Civil Rights Coordinator.

After the Civil Rights Coordinator address any comments from Chairman/woman of the Board of Directors about the preliminary investigative report, the report and its findings will be forwarded to the District’s legal consultant for review. The legal consultant will review the report and associated documentation and will provide input within ten (10) calendar days.

The District’s final investigative report and a copy of the complaint will be forwarded to the Complainant and the FTA within 60 calendar days of the acceptance of the complaint. The District will notify all parties of its findings.

Complaint Form – English
Complaint Form – Spanish